A buzz is beginning to develop about Secretary Condoleezza Rice becoming John McCain’s Vice President. This is an attractive prospect because Rice is smart, educated, experienced, attractive, groomed, connected, talented, etc. If that were not enough, she is also a “double minority.” To the politically correct crowd, Rice is doubly attractive because she is black and female. By being a black woman she trumps Hillary Clinton’s gender credentials and Barack Obama’s race credentials. Neither Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama can “out minority” Secretary Rice.
The problem with Condoleezza Rice is that she is President George W. Bush’s person, and everyone knows it. W’s Presidency has been horribly unpopular and has been a lighting rod for liberals, conservatives, and everyone in between. If John McCain wants to govern the country, he needs to make a clean break from the W administration. America needs a fresh start, and the choice of Vice President Rice just tells the country that President McCain plans to continue along the path of W. How many people really want another four years of the W administration? McCain needs to pick someone fresh. When McCain picks his VP, he needs to go very conservative to energize the base or rather liberal to attract the moderates. Whomever McCain chooses, he needs to show the country he plans on making changes, because change is what the voters want. Who can blame them?