
John Boehner Wants Moderates in the Republican Party

Republican House Leader John Boehner's recent statement has summed up what is wrong with the Republican Party. On CNN's State of the Union, Boehner said, "We accept moderates in our party, and we want moderates in our party. We cover a wide range of Americans."

This is exactly what is wrong with the GOP. The last thing the GOP needs is more moderates. Conservative voters want to vote for conservatives. They do not want moderates, and they will not support them. As long as the GOP embraces moderates, they can be sure the GOP will continue to lose elections. Moderates got the GOP into their current mess and will continue to drag the party down until the GOP either becomes completely obsolete of rediscovers conservatism.

The GOP needs to move back toward conservatism, and they need to do it in a hurry. The GOP has about six more months to get their act together in time to charm voters for the 2010 Election. If John Boehner's idiotic comment is any indication of the GOP's plans for the next six months, they should just step aside and let a third party take the lead.


List of Republican Cowards Who Do Not Respect Contracts or Private Property

Once again, the Republicans in the House of Representatives have let down their party and the American people. In another act of cowardice, eighty-five Republicans (nearly half of House Republicans) voted with Democrats in their effort to use a 90% tax to seize bonuses paid to AIG employees. It should be pointed out these bonuses contractually had to be paid, and Congress along with Barack Obama had previously okayed these bonuses.

Today, Congress decided to seize legally obtained money from specific US citizens, and they did it with substantial Republican support. Here is a list of the Republican cowards who voted with the Democrats on this huge intrusion of government into the personal property of specific private individuals.

1. Aderholt
2. Alexander
3. Barton (TX)
4. Biggert
5. Bilbray
6. Bilirakis
7. Blunt
8. Bono Mack
9. Boozman
10. Brown (SC)
11. Brown-Waite, Ginny
12. Buchanan
13. Calvert
14. Camp
15. Cantor
16. Cao
17. Capito
18. Cassidy
19. Castle
20. Crenshaw
21. Davis (KY)
22. Dent
23. Diaz-Balart, L.
24. Diaz-Balart, M.
25. Duncan
26. Ehlers
27. Emerson
28. Fleming
29. Forbes
30. Fortenberry
31. Frelinghuysen
32. Gallegly
33. Gerlach
34. Goodlatte
35. Guthrie
36. Heller
37. Herger
38. Hoekstra
39. Johnson (IL)
40. Jones
41. Kirk
42. Lance
43. Latham
44. Lee (NY)
45. Lewis (CA)
46. LoBiondo
47. Manzullo
48. McCaul
49. McClintock
50. McHugh
51. McMorris Rodgers
52. Mica
53. Miller (MI)
54. Moran (KS)
55. Petri
56. Platts
57. Putnam
58. Rehberg
59. Reichert
60. Roe (TN)
61. Rogers (AL)
62. Rogers (KY)
63. Rogers (MI)
64. Rohrabacher
65. Rooney
66. Ros-Lehtinen
67. Roskam
68. Royce
69. Ryan (WI)
70. Schmidt
71. Schock
72. Shimkus
73. Smith (NJ)
74. Smith (TX)
75. Stearns
76. Tiberi
77. Turner
78. Upton
79. Walden
80. Wamp
81. Whitfield
82. Wittman
83. Wolf
84. Young (AK)
85. Young (FL)

Final Vote on Roll Call 143