
Jimmy Carter Torpedoes Mitt Romney Campaign with Endorsement

Barack Obama 2012 Mitt Romney Campaign Poster

Mitt Romney would be an acceptable candidate for the Democratic Party, and he would be a sublime candidate for the Reform Party; however, there are numerous reasons Mitt Romney should not be nominated to run for President as a Republican. Some examples include, his championing of socialized medicine, his creepy and cold personality, his lack of humor, his lack of support among conservatives, his lack of connection with the working class, etc.

All of these are excellent reasons why Mitt Romney should not be nominated to run as a Republican for President, but hey pale in comparison to the kiss of death delivered by one of the biggest losers to occupy the White House in the 20th Century. September 15, 2011, on MSNBC, Jimmy Carter stated he wants Mitt Romney to win the Republican nomination. Quite wisely, Carter thinks Romney will lose to Barack Obama, but Carter still thinks Romney at least deserves the nomination.

Jimmy Carter's motivations are unclear. Either Carter is intentionally torpedoing the Romney campaign by endorsing Romney, or Carter loves Obama, and he actually wants Romney to run against Obama, because he knows Romney will inspire the lowest Republican turnout in history, giving Obama at least a 70% chance of winning the general election,. Regardless, Jimmy Carter has inflicted horrible damage on Romney with this endorsement. The Romney campaign must be scrambling to minimize the harm of this humiliation.


Internet Tracking Bill Passes House Judiciary Committee

The members of Congress are currently working on a law that will significantly reduce the privacy of average innocent Americans. Sponsored by Lamar Smith of Texas, H.R.1981 passed the House Judiciary Committee on July 29, 2011 with supporting votes from the following Representatives.

Rep Adams, Sandy [FL-24] - Republican
Rep Berman, Howard [CA-28] - Democrat
Rep Chabot, Steve [OH-1] - Republican
Rep Coble, Howard [NC-6] - Republican
Rep Forbes, J. Randy [VA-4] - Republican
Rep Franks, Trent [AZ-2] - Republican
Rep Gallegly, Elton [CA-24] - Republican
Rep Goodlatte, Bob [VA-6] - Republican
Rep Gowdy, Trey [SC-4] - Republican
Rep Griffin, Tim [AK-2] - Republican
Rep King, Steve [IA-5] - Republican
Rep Lungren, Daniel E. [CA-3] - Republican
Rep Marino, Tom [PA-10] - Republican
Rep Ross, Dennis [FL-12] - Republican
Rep Smith, Lamar [TX-21] - Republican

This bill, mostly supported by Republicans, has a very deceptive name. It has been called the Protecting Children From Internet Pornographers Act of 2011, but the law will do little to stop child pornographers. What the law actually does is cast a broad net of data retention for every American who uses the Internet. This law will require all internet service providers in the United States to keep extensive records on the online activity of their subscribers. Some of the information to be tracked is customers' names, addresses, phone numbers, credit card numbers, bank account numbers, and temporarily-assigned IP addresses.

If you use the Internet, regardless of whether your actions are legal or not, detailed records of who you are and what you do online will be stored for at least one year. These records may be used by law enforcement to investigate virtually any sort of crime. Do not be surprised if the reach of the law expands even further into civil uses in the future.

Here is a list of the sponsor and co-sponsors of H.R.1981

Rep Smith, Lamar [TX-21]

Rep Calvert, Ken [CA-44]
Rep Chabot, Steve [OH-1]
Rep Coble, Howard [NC-6]
Rep Critz, Mark S. [PA-12]
Rep Deutch, Theodore E. [FL-19]
Rep Emerson, Jo Ann [MO-8]
Rep Flores, Bill [TX-17]
Rep Forbes, J. Randy [VA-4]
Rep Franks, Trent [AZ-2]
Rep Gallegly, Elton [CA-24]
Rep Gowdy, Trey [SC-4]
Rep Jackson Lee, Sheila [TX-18]
Rep LaTourette, Steven C. [OH-14]
Rep Lummis, Cynthia M. [WY]
Rep Lungren, Daniel E. [CA-3]
Rep Marino, Tom [PA-10]
Rep Pierluisi, Pedro R. [PR]
Rep Quigley, Mike [IL-5]
Rep Ruppersberger, C. A. Dutch [MD-2]
Rep Schiff, Adam B. [CA-29]
Rep Shuler, Heath [NC-11]
Rep Stark, Fortney Pete [CA-13]
Rep Upton, Fred [MI-6]
Rep Wasserman Schultz, Debbie [FL-20]