
George P. Bush Is the Future of the GOP

America’s changing demographics is creating some harsh realities for the Republicans. America was once mostly White; however, this is rapidly changing with the growing Black population and the exploding numbers of the Latinos. Furthermore, the Baby Boomers are turning silver in droves, and Generation X is starting to move into positions of power. Most of what we have known since World War II is going to change. America twenty years from now will be radically different from the country we know now.

Given these inevitable changes, the Republicans need to look to a different future. They have to stop mining the Baby Boomers for candidates and start developing the next generation of leaders.

George Prescott Bush fits the bill for the Republican Party’s next generation of leaders. George P. Bush was born in 1976, which makes him part of the vital Generation X. He is half Mexican and half White, which should make him attractive to both minorities and Whites. With a law degree from the University of Texas, he is well educated in political science. Fortunately, George P. Bush has charisma and looks like a leader. He has performed well in public appearances and seems comfortable in the spotlight.

George Prescott Bush’s most valuable asset, however, is his name. His great grandfather, Prescott Bush was a Senator. His grandfather, George H. W. Bush, and uncle, George W. Bush, have both served as President. His father, Jeb Bush, has been a highly successful two-term Governor in Florida and also has an excellent chance of becoming President in the near future.

If George P. Bush can keep his nose clean, he is an obvious choice for the future of the Republican Party and needs to be groomed for a big future. America has already put two George Bushes in the Oval Office. If the Republicans are smart, they will get busy preparing to make George P. Bush the third one.

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