
Jeb Bush Is the Perfect Vice-President for Giuliani

Assuming that Rudy Giuliani will get the Republican presidential nomination, the GOP will have to overcome Giuliani’s biggest problem. Rudy Giuliani is a moderate, and conservatives hate moderates.

The Republican conservatives are going to begin grumbling when they start learning about Giuliani’s liberal positions on social issues. A lot of conservatives are not going to like Giuliani, so the GOP will need to find someone to appease that huge portion of the base.

Nothing appeases conservatives like a Bush. Fortunately, the Bush family has a new Bush coming up in the current growing season: Jeb Bush. Jeb Bush may not be as conservative as his brother, President George W. Bush, but he is a solid Republican with a proven track record as Governor of Florida. Governor Bush is a good public speaker, is respected, and is highly popular in Florida. Jeb Bush will soon be stepping down as Governor, and he will be looking for the next big job.

As the candidate for Vice-President, Jeb Bush could easily carry the swing state of Florida. Florida could decide the 2008 election. If Jeb Bush can take Florida, the Democrats will have to work very hard in the other swing states.

Furthermore, Jeb Bush is a rather young man, and he has a strong appeal to younger people. He also has a Mexican wife and speaks fluent Spanish. Jeb Bush’s Hispanic connections will help the Republicans appeal to the growing group of Latino voters.

Some will argue that Jeb Bush’s worst asset is his last name. Liberals have grown to hate the Bush family name, and they will instinctively vote against any ballot entry where that name appears. The sad fact for the liberals is the Republicans do not care about them. Anyone who hates George W. Bush so passionately probably would never vote Republican anyway, so the potential loss of votes is minimal. The fact is that conservatives love the Bush name like a trusted brand. Many conservatives will instinctively vote for any ballot entry where that name appears.

With Rudy Giuliani and Jeb Bush on the ticket, the Republicans will be incredibly strong in 2008, and they will need to be. Hillary Clinton could be an incredibly strong candidate if the conditions are right for her and she chooses her running mate wisely. If you are not scared of Hillary yet, just look in the mirror and slowly say, “President Hillary Clinton. President Hillary Clinton. President Hillary Clinton.” She just might materialize behind you like Bloody Mary.

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